Two years and my third greenhouse is ready. It is not easy invest without any support, but we work hard and if it must be ready then it must.
Feel free to read our blog and if you want you can use photos as well, but if your heart is warm, please read also following:
Please, support us if you can, a lot of equipment and tools are urgently needed. We lost already more than 1000 plants due the cold weather and poor heating system and it is cold until end of april.
Watering is second major problem and needs better solution than 100 buckets of tap water every second day or if it's hot - every day. It's not easy to carry 20kg x 50 times 100m.
We created a fundraising campaign on GoFundMe page with more information(link below).and also
have a "Support us" page, too. It doesn't matter if it is only small amount what you can give, it counts!!!

2015 pictures: